The Official Rules of Badminton

New Hampshire Badminton follows the rules set by the Badminton World Federation (a full set of the rules can be found here: BWF Statutes). This page will contain the relevant rules for club play as set by the BWF Statute titled “Laws of Badminton"


Before play commences, a toss shall be conducted and the side winning the toss shall exercise the choice to either:

  • serve or receive first

  • start play at one end of the court or the other.

The side losing the toss shall then exercise the remaining choice.

Scoring System

A match shall consist of the best of three games, unless otherwise arranged.

A game shall be won by the side which first scores 21 points.

If the score becomes 20-all, the side which gains a two point lead first, shall win that game.

If the score becomes 29-all, the side scoring the 30th point shall win that game.

The side winning a rally shall add a point to its score.

A side shall win a rally, if the opposing side commits a ‘fault’ or the shuttle ceases to be in play because it touches the surface of the court inside the opponent’s court.

The side winning a game shall serve first in the next game.

Change of Ends

Players shall change ends at the end of the first game, at the end of the second game, and if there is to be a third game in the third game when a side first scores 11 points.

If the ends are not changed promptly it shall be done so as soon as the mistake is discovered and when the shuttle is not in play. The existing score shall stand.


In a correct service all of the following are true:

Neither side shall cause undue delay to the delivery of the service once the server and the receiver are ready for the service.

On completion of the backward movement of the server’s racket head, any delay in the start of the service shall be considered to be an undue delay.

The server and the receiver shall stand within diagonally opposite service courts without touching the boundary lines of these service courts.

Some part of both feet of the server and the receiver shall remain in contact with the surface of the court in a stationary position from the start of the service until the service is delivered.

The server’s racket shall initially hit the base of the shuttle.

The whole shuttle shall be below 1.15 metres from the surface of the court at the instant of being hit by the server’s racket.

The movement of the server’s racket shall continue forwards from the start of the service until the service is delivered.

The flight of the shuttle shall be upwards from the server’s racket to pass over the net so that, if not intercepted, it shall land in the receiver’s service court (i.e. on or within the boundary lines).

In attempting to serve, the server shall not miss the shuttle.

Once the players are ready for the service, the first forward movement of the server’s racket head shall be the start of the service.

Once started, the service is delivered when the shuttle is hit by the server’s racket or, in attempting to serve, the server misses the shuttle.

The server shall not serve before the receiver is ready.

However, the receiver shall be considered to have been ready if a return of the service is attempted.

In doubles, during the delivery of service, the partners may take up any positions within their respective courts, which do not unsight the opposing server or receiver.


Serving and receiving courts

The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective right service courts when the server has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.

The players shall serve from, and receive in, their respective left service courts when the server has scored an odd number of points in that game.

Order of play and position on court

In a rally, the shuttle may be hit by the server and the receiver alternately, from any position on that player’s side of the net, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Scoring and serving

If the server wins a rally, the server shall score a point. The server shall then serve again from the alternate service court.

If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver shall score a point. The receiver shall then become the new server.


Serving and receiving courts

A player of the serving side shall serve from the right service court when the serving side has not scored or has scored an even number of points in that game.

A player of the serving side shall serve from the left service court when the serving side has scored an odd number of points in that game.

The player of the receiving side who served last shall stay in the same service court from where he served last. The reverse pattern shall apply to the receiver’s partner.

The player of the receiving side standing in the diagonally opposite service court to the server shall be the receiver.

The players shall not change their respective service courts until they win a point when their side is serving.

Service in any turn of serving shall be delivered from the service court corresponding to the serving side’s score, except after a service court error or let.

Order of play and position on court

After the service is returned, in a rally, the shuttle may be hit by either player of the serving side and either player of the receiving side alternately, from any position on that player’s side of the net, until the shuttle ceases to be in play.

Scoring and serving

If the serving side wins a rally, the serving side shall score a point. The server shall then serve again from the alternate service court.

If the receiving side wins a rally, the receiving side shall score a point. The receiving side shall then become the new serving side.

Sequence of serving

In any game, the right to serve shall pass consecutively:

from the initial server who started the game from the right service court

to the partner of the initial receiver.

to the partner of the initial server

to the initial receiver,

to the initial server and so on.

No player shall serve or receive out of turn, or receive two consecutive services in the same game, except after a service court error or let.

Either player of the winning side may serve first in the next game, and either player of the losing side may receive first in the next game.

Service Court Errors

A service court error has been made when a player:

has served or received out of turn;

has served or received from the wrong service court;

If a service court error is discovered, the error shall be corrected and the existing score shall stand.


It shall be a ‘fault’:

if a service is not correct;

if, in service, the shuttle:

is caught on the net and remains suspended on its top;

after passing over the net, is caught in the net; or

is hit by the receiver’s partner;

if in play, the shuttle:

lands outside the boundaries of the court (i.e. not on or within the boundary lines);

fails to pass over the net;

touches the ceiling or side walls;

touches the person or dress of a player;

touches any other object or person outside the court;

(Where necessary on account of the structure of the building, the local badminton authority may, subject to the right of veto of its Member Association, make bye-laws dealing with cases in which a shuttle touches an obstruction).

is caught and held on the racket and then slung during the execution of a stroke;

is hit twice in succession by the same player. However, a shuttle hitting the head and the stringed area of the racket in one stroke shall not be a ‘fault’;

is hit by a player and the player’s partner successively; or

touches a player’s racket and does not travel towards the opponent’s court;

if, in play, a player:

touches the net or its supports with racket, person or dress;

invades an opponent’s court over the net with racket or person except that the striker may follow the shuttle over the net with the racket in the course of a stroke after the initial point of contact with the shuttle is on the striker’s side of the net;

invades an opponent’s court under the net with racket or person such that an opponent is obstructed or distracted; or

obstructs an opponent, i.e. prevents an opponent from making a legal stroke where the shuttle is followed over the net;

deliberately distracts an opponent by any action such as shouting or making gestures;

if a player is guilty of flagrant, repeated or persistent offences of preventing continuous play, misconduct, or penalties.


‘Let’ shall be called by the umpire, or by a player (if there is no umpire), to halt play.

It shall be a ‘let”, if:

the server serves before the receiver is ready (Law 9.4);

during service, the receiver and the server are both faulted;

after the service is returned, the shuttle is:

caught on the net and remains suspended on its top, or

after passing over the net is caught in the net;

during play, the shuttle disintegrates and the base completely separates from the rest of the shuttle;

in the opinion of the umpire, play is disrupted or a player of the opposing side is distracted by a coach;

a line judge is unsighted and the umpire is unable to make a decision; or

any unforeseen or accidental situation has occurred.

When a ‘let’ occurs, play since the last service shall not count and the player who served last shall serve again.

Shuttle Not In Play

A shuttle is not in play when:

it strikes the net or post and starts to fall towards the surface of the court on the striker’s side of the net;

it hits the surface of the court; or

a ‘fault’ or a ‘let’ has occurred.

Continuous Play, Misconduct & Penalties

Play shall be continuous from the first service until the match is concluded, except as allowed in Intervals and Suspension of Play.


not exceeding 60 seconds during each game when the leading score reaches 11 points; and

not exceeding 120 seconds between the first and second game, and between the second and third game shall be allowed in all matches.

Suspension of play

When necessitated by circumstances not within the control of the players, the umpire may suspend play for such a period as the umpire may consider necessary.

Under special circumstances the Referee may instruct the umpire to suspend play.

If play is suspended, the existing score shall stand and play shall be resumed from that point.

Delay in play

Under no circumstances shall play be delayed to enable a player to recover strength or wind or to receive advice.

The umpire shall be the sole judge of any delay in play.

Advice and leaving the court

Only when the shuttle is not in play, shall a player be permitted to receive advice during a match.

No player shall leave the court during a match without the umpire’s permission, except during the intervals.

A player shall not:

deliberately cause delay in, or suspension of, play;

deliberately modify or damage the shuttle in order to change its speed or its flight;

behave in an offensive or inappropriate manner; or

be guilty of misconduct not otherwise covered by the Laws of Badminton.

Administration of breach

The umpire shall administer any breach of continuous play or misconduct by:

issuing a warning to the offending side; or

faulting the offending side, if previously warned;

faulting the offending side in cases of flagrant offence or breach of interval time

On faulting a side due to a breach of continuous play or misconduct, the umpire shall report the offending side immediately to the Referee, who shall have the power to disqualify the offending side from the match.


The Referee shall be in overall charge of the tournament or championship(s) of which a match forms part.

The umpire, where appointed, shall be in charge of the match, the court and its immediate surrounds. The umpire shall report to the Referee.

The service judge shall call service faults made by the server should they occur.

A line judge shall indicate whether a shuttle landed ‘in’ or ‘out’ on the line(s) assigned.

An official’s decision shall be final on all points of fact for which that official is responsible except that if,

in the opinion of the umpire, it is beyond reasonable doubt that a line judge has clearly made a wrong call, the umpire shall overrule the decision of the line judge.

an Instant Review System is in operation, the system in operation shall decide on any line call challenge.

An umpire shall:

uphold and enforce the Laws of Badminton and, especially, call a ‘fault’ or a ‘let’ should either occur;

give a decision on any appeal regarding a point of dispute, if made before the next service is delivered;

ensure players and spectators are kept informed of the progress of the match;

appoint or replace line judges or a service judge in consultation with the Referee;

where another technical official is not appointed, arrange for that official’s duties to be carried out;

where an appointed official is unsighted, carry out that official’s duties or play a ‘let’;

record and report to the Referee all matters relating to any breach of continuous play or misconduct; and

refer to the Referee all unsatisfied appeals on questions of law only. (Such appeals must be made before the next service is delivered or, if at the end of the match, before the side that appeals has left the court.)